Thompson Local News

Empathy for Itch campaign launches check list for owners to help identify signs of skin conditions

Skin health is often overlooked in pets.


That’s according to Doctor Juanita Glencross-Winslow, a vet and spokesperson for pet food company Royal Canin [cah-nihn].


As a way to highlight this issue, the company and its partners have been holding an annual campaign called Empathy for Itch, and this year they’ve launched a “Pet Check” list that owners can refer to when checking their pets for signs of a skin condition.


“Our focus is really getting pet owners used to looking at their pet’s skin so that they know what normal looks like so that they clue in if things aren’t the same. Some things that a pet owner might notice is that the skin is a little bit redder or they maybe smell a little pungent. They might be scratching more than normal or the skin feels greasy. There might be discharge in their ears. Those are abnormal so if you are looking every day and you are not seeing those things and you know what normal looks like, then these other things are there to clue you in that there might be something going on.”


Pet owners who do come across those abnormal signs should make an appointment with their vet immediately.


Visit the Canadian Academy of Veterinary Dermatology website for the checklist.


Listen to Thompson Today at 12:40 and 5:10 for the full interview.

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