Thompson Local News

Northern dietician issues breakfast challenge to commemorate Nutrition Month

Breakfast is considered to be the most neglected meal of the day for many Manitobans.


Oribim Kingson, a registered dietician based in The Pas, says some of the reasons why people skip breakfast is either due to not having enough time in the morning to prepare and eat or they don’t feel hungry.


But skipping or not putting as much thought into breakfast can lead to negative effects on the body throughout the rest of day, such as decreased focus and concentration as well as irritability.


Kingson adds the choices we make in the morning impacts the rest of the day, and people should be more proactive when it comes to their nutrition to help lower the risk of developing negative health effects.


That's why she's issuing a 5-day breakfast challenge for Nutrition Month to encourage Manitobans to make one change for better their nutrition.


Kingson shares some tips on how people can make that one change to their routine, including eating within the first hour or two of waking up, prepping breakfast the night before, or grabbng a piece of fruit and a protein such as peanut butter, greek yogurt, or cheese.


For more information on the breakfast challenge, visit the Bliss Counselling and Wellness Centre Facebook page or listen to Thompson Today at 12:40 and 5:10 this afternoon.



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