Thompson Local News

Councillor Smook Named To G-I-L Committee

Colleen Smook has been named as the replacement for Mayor Fenske on the grant-in-lieu committee for the upcoming negotiations with Vale.


At city council Monday night, council voted in favour of approving Councillor Smook after her name was selected out of a pool of four councilors. Councillors Smook, Kolada, Matechuk and Wong all put their names forward.  


The vote was conducted by secret ballot, voted on by council.


Councillor Duncan Wong moved a motion to amend the resolution, after Councillor Smook was selected, which would have doubled the size of the negotiating team from three to six, citing that none of the opposition were on the committee. Councillor Wong suggested that himself, along with Councillors Kolada and Matechuk should be the three others added as Councillors Ellis and Foley had shown "no interest" in the matter.


Councillor Wong called for a recorded vote on the matter. Councillors Byer, Kolada, Wong and Matechuk voted in favour while Councillors Foley, Smook, Ellis and Deputy Mayor Valentino voted against. The motion was defeated as a majority is needed to pass a resolution.


Councillor Foley spoke up after the vote, voicing his opinion of Councillor Wong's opposition comments. He said that there is no opposition within council nor should there be, as they are all there for the same reason.


After, Councillor Kolada commented saying that she has been told there is no experienced negotiators on the committee and that she has experience in negotiating for Thompson. Councillor Matechuck then spoke up with an amended resolution of his own.


Councillor Matechuk's amended resolution would have the resolution replace the existing committee with a new three-person team; the chairs of the finance and administration, public works, development review committees.  


The amended resolution went to a recorded vote, where it was defeated. Councillors Kolada, Wong and Matechuk voted in favour while Councillors Foley, Smook, Ellis, Byer and Deputy Mayor Valentino voted against.


The final vote to pass the resolution appointing Councillor Smook took place almost 15 minutes after Deputy Mayor Valentino first read the motion.


The resolution was carried after a five to three vote.


Deputy Mayor Valentino sat in the Mayor's seat during all discussion of the grant-in-lieu, as Mayor Fenske had recused himself due to conflict of interest.

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