Thompson Local News

Thompson Recycling Centre finds live ammunition in sorting line


The Thompson Recycling Centre was surprised to find a live shotgun shell during filtering last week. They were even more surprised when they found approximately 29 more just like it, as well as the roughly 20 bullets.


Billie-Joe Thompson, the manager of the recycling centre, is urging Thompsonites to dispose of live ammunition safely, as it can pose a safety issue if they are set off at any point in the recycling process.


She also says that based on the time of day and the truck that dropped it off, she has a good idea of which area of the city they came from.


"We can tell by what the truck's dropping off, we were able to process the material that comes in daily from each area. We started recovering the bullets Tuesday at the end of the day, and continued to recover them until yesterday morning. So we're pretty certain that they would've been collected on Tuesday, I do believe it was the Burntwood area."


Although incidents like this don’t come up often, this is the second time ammunition has been found at the recycling centre.

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