Thompson Local News

Waste water treatment facility by-law passes first reading


This past Monday, city council voted to pass the first reading of a proposed by-law regarding the city's plan for their new waste water treatment facility.


The by-law outlines a plan for the city to borrow over $12 million to fund one-third of the cost to build the new facility, to be paid off in annual installments over 25 years beginning in 2018. The remaining two-thirds will be funded by the provincial and federal governments.


The city will be holding a public hearing about the plan for the facility, something Mayor Dennis Fenske says will give the city the chance to clarify a lot of things.


"We've been mandated by the province of Manitoba to upgrade the waste water management plant to the current standards. We want to clarify as to why we're doing this, we want to clarify the borrowing process that we're mandated to follow, why we're going this route as opposed to putting it on the quarterly water bills. And then we want to explain the numbers to the residents in regards to what the options are, whether it's a lump sum payment or whether it's payments over 25 years."


The hearing will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion on March 10th, and will begin at 7 pm.

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