Thompson Local News

ParticipACTION gives Canadian adults low grades on their year-end physical activity report card

With ParticipACTION’s report card revealing sedentary behaviours remain high among Canadian adults, a researcher involved in the report spoke to Arctic Radio to share how people can increase their physical activity.


Doctor Leigh Vanderloo explains while the country overall got an F on sedentary behaviours and active transportation, low levels of physical activity tend to increase in eastern Canada when compared to the west, with Manitoba in the middle of the spectrum.


Vanderloo adds the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t helped with increasing physical activity, with remote work leaving many without an active commute along with closures of fitness centres and recreational activities.


She states those who have fallen off from regular physical activity can slowing reintroduce it back into their routines by doing activities that have a low barrier to entry such as walking, jogging, and running. Vanderloo explains increasing the time, distance, and intensity as time goes on can be beneficial in people continuously challenging themselves without having to buy additional equipment.


Hear the full interview with Vanderloo on Thompson Today at 12:40 and 5:10 for more information.

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