Thompson Local News

Canada Safety Council draws awareness to the dangers of heat stroke

The Canada Safety Council is reminding residents to keep cool during the summer months.


Spokesperson Lewis Smith says it’s important for people to be aware about the dangers of getting heat stroke.


Symptoms of heat stroke include headaches, dizziness, nausea, high body temperature, and the inability to sweat, which helps the body regulate its internal temperature.


Here Smith explains whose most at risk of experiencing heat stroke.


"The major group,  of course,  is older adults.  Folks who already have health issues at play including chronic illness, breathing difficulties, heart problems, infants and young children are also especially



The reason being that a child’s head tends to be more open due to not having a full head of hair, in some cases,  or thinner hair than your average grown person makes it so the heat can impact more of a surface area on their body and heat up their smaller body which doesn’t quite have the ability to regulate itself internally yet to the same degree.


And last but not least, people who are active outdoors, people who work on construction sites for example."


Smith says anyone experiencing a heat stroke should call their local emergency number immediately.


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