Thompson Local News

MKO calling on governments to take "urgent action" on homelessness in Manitoba

MKO is calling on all levels of government to take “urgent action” in addressing homelessness in the province.


Grand Chief Garrison Settee says a significant number of people from MKO First Nations live off reserve in both rural and urban settings, and that more needs to be done to respond to this issue both on and off reserve.


Settee adds that the lack of housing in First Nations leads to hidden homelessness and overcrowded housing.


Some solutions he shared to help address this issue include providing people experiencing homelessness with community resources and supports such as counselling and harm reduction programs.


Settee says MKO acknowledges the work volunteers and front line workers who have been working to ensure people experiencing homelessness are being cared for during the pandemic, and states municipal, provincial, and federal officials need to step up and show increased leadership on this issue.

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