Thompson Local News

MKO welcomes announcement recognizing residential school system as national, historic event

MKO says that while it welcomes the announcement that residential schools will be recognized as a significant historical event in Canada, it also acknowledges the pain these schools have caused for many MKO citizens.


Grand Chief Garrison Settee says he knows former students who cannot stand to be near a residential school because of what happened to them when they attended the school.


The federal government announced that in addition to recognizing the residential school system as an important national event, they will also designate two former residential schools, including the Portage la Prairie Indian Residential School in Manitoba, as historical sites.


Settee explains the announcement should help encourage newcomers and Canadian citizens of all ages and backgrounds to learn about and remember both those who survived residential schools and those who died as a result of attending them.


He says the residential school system is a dark part of Canada’s history and mustn’t be forgotten, and we must learn from past mistakes to ensure they’re never made again in the future.

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