Thompson Local News

School zones will be back for September 1st.

While school doesn’t start up for the kids until Thursday, the school zone speed limits will back in effect beginning this long weekend.


From September 1st to June 30th, motorists driving in a school zone must slow down to 30 kilometres an hour from 8 AM to 5 PM  Monday to Friday.


Constable Sandy Deibert from the Thompson RCMP detachment explains those who don’t slow down in school zones could be issued a traffic ticket.


"The fines would be the same as if you were speeding anywhere else. For example, if you fail to slow down in a school zone, and you're still travelling at 50 kilometres an hour, you would receive a fine for $312."


"If you're speeding on top of not following the stand 50 kilometres an hour, let's say you're going 60 kilometres an hour as you enter the school zone, your fine would $442."


Deibert adds that while there is no requirement for motorists to slow down around the area of RD Parker Collegiate, she urges people to remain aware when driving around the school during peak drop-off and pick-up times.


Deibert says it’s also important for parents to practice pedestrian safety before school starts.


"For parents, I would  make sure your child is comforatble with the route you've chosen for them to get to school. I think it's important that you practice with them, leading up to the first day of school,  just so that they're comfortable, they know where they're going, they're not goning to feel like they're lost or anxious."


"Also speak to them about crossing safely. Kids are often just excited during the first couple of days of school, so they're running across the streets. We just want them to make sure they're taking a look both ways, and just slowing down."


She also encourages parents to speak with their children about not talking to strangers or getting into a vehicle that belongs to someone they don’t know while walking to and from school.

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